Article 1
  1. Contracts for accommodation and related agreements between Nishimuraya Honkan (hereinafter, “Ryokan”) and guests intending to stay or currently staying at the Ryokan (hereinafter, “Guest”) shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions. Any particulars not provided for herein shall be governed by laws and regulations and/or generally accepted practices.
  2. The Ryokan may enter into a special contract with the Guests, notwithstanding the previous Paragraph, insofar as such special contract does not violate any laws and regulations and generally accepted practices, as well as the purpose of these Terms and Conditions.

Article 2
  1. A Guest who intends to make an application for an Accommodation Contract with the Ryokan shall notify the Ryokan of the following particulars.
    • Name and contact information of the representative Guest;
    • Date of accommodation, method of arrival and estimated time of arrival;
    • Number of Guests (All staying Guests must be counted. Also, should the number of Guests change, the new number must be notified as soon as possible.); and
    • Other particulars deemed necessary by the Ryokan.
  2. In the case where a Guest requests, during his/her stay, an extension of the accommodation beyond the date(s) in subparagraph (2) of Paragraph 1, such request shall be regarded as an application for a new Accommodation Contract at the time the request is made, if the Ryokan is able to accept such application.

Article 3
  1. Accommodation and other charges shall, as a basic rule, be paid in full at the time of checkout. However, this shall not apply when the Guest wishes to pay in advance. Also, the Ryokan reserves the right to request an accommodation deposit of a reasonable amount from a Guest when the Ryokan deems necessary.
  2. Payment after checkout is, as a basic rule, not permitted. However, this shall not apply in the case where a separate payment agreement is made between the Ryokan and the Guest. In the case of such separate agreement, the date of payment shall be determined in advance.

Article 4

The Ryokan may refuse the conclusion of an Accommodation Contract in any of the following cases:

  1. When the application for an Accommodation Contract from a Guest does not conform to stipulations in Article 2 Paragraph 1;
  2. When the Ryokan is fully booked and no room is available;
  3. When the Guest seeking accommodation is deemed liable to conduct himself/herself in a manner that will contravene laws or act against the public order or good morals in regard to his/her accommodation;
  4. When the Guest seeking accommodation is found to be carrying an infectious disease;
  5. When the Guest seeking accommodation makes an unreasonable request/demand to the Ryokan in regard to his/her accommodation;
  6. When the Ryokan is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, malfunctions of the facilities and/or other causes of force majeure; or
  7. When the stipulations of Article 4 of the Hyogo Hotel Business Law Enforcement Ordinance are applicable.
  8. When the Guest wish to accompany a child under ten years of age will be refused.

Article 5

The Guest is entitled to cancel the Accommodation Contract by so notifying the Ryokan. In case of cancellation, the following shall apply.

  1. Should the Guest cancel the Accommodation Contract in whole or in part due to causes for which the Guest is liable, the Guest shall pay cancellation charges as listed in the Attached Table 1.
  2. In the case when the Guest does not appear by 7:00 pm of the accommodation date (or, two hours after the expected arrival time if the Ryokan has been notified) without advance notice, the Ryokan may regard the Accommodation Contract as cancelled by the Guest, and the Guest shall pay cancellation charges as listed in Attached Table 1.

Article 6
  1. The Ryokan may cancel the Accommodation Contract, even on the day of the accommodation, in any of the following cases:
    • When the Guest is deemed liable to conduct himself/herself in a manner that will contravene the laws or act against the public order and good morals (for example, conduct that will seriously inconvenience/annoy the Ryokan or other Guests) in regard to his/her accommodation;
    • When the Guest seeking accommodation can be clearly detected to be carrying an infectious disease;
    • When the Guest seeking accommodation makes an unreasonable request/demand to the Ryokan in regard to his/her accommodation;
    • When the Ryokan is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, malfunctions of the facilities and/or other causes of force majeure;
    • When the stipulations of Article 4 of the Hyogo Hotel Business Law Enforcement Ordinance are applicable; or
    • When the Guest does not observe prohibitions such as smoking in bed, tampering with firefighting facilities, and others stipulated in the Terms of Use (restricted to particulars deemed necessary for fire prevention).
  2. Should the Ryokan cancel the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the preceding Paragraph, the Ryokan shall not be entitled to charge the Guest for any future services during the contractual period which the Guest has not received.

Article 7
  1. The Guest shall register (enter into the Ryokan register) the following particulars on the day of accommodation:
    • Name, age, gender and occupation;
    • If not a Japanese national, a copy of his/her passport, displaying nationality, passport number, port and date of entry in Japan;
    • Date and estimated time of departure; and
    • Other particulars deemed necessary by the Ryokan. The registered information will be kept by the Ryokan as a client list with the consent of the Guest.
  2. Should the Guest intend to pay his/her accommodation charges by any means other than Japanese currency, such as accommodation coupons or credit cards, these credentials shall be presented in advance at the time of the registration prescribed in the preceding Paragraph.

Article 8
  1. The Guest is entitled to use the Ryokan facilities from 3:00 pm of the accommodation date to 11:00 am of the following day. However, in the case when the Guest is accommodated continuously for more than one night, the Guest may use the Ryokan facilities all day, except for the days of arrival and departure.
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions prescribed in the preceding Paragraph, the Ryokan will permit the Guest to occupy the guestroom beyond the time prescribed in the same Paragraph in the method stipulated below, as long as the Ryokan is able to do so.
    Use of guestroom after 11:00 am of the day of departure: ¥2,500 to ¥3,500 per hour (Varies depending on the type of guestroom)
    However, as a basic rule, the extension of the guestroom occupancy is only permitted up to 12:00 noon.

Article 9
  1. The Guest shall observe all rules and regulations established by the Ryokan, which are posted within the premises of the Ryokan.

Article 10
  1. The business hours of the main facilities of the Ryokan are as follows:
    • Service hours of the front desk,cashier services, etc.
      5:00 am to 2:00 am However, cashier services end at 10:00 pm
      The night clerk will be on duty from 10:00 pm to 7:00 pm
    • Service hours for dining
      a. Breakfast: 7:45 am~ 8:15 am~ 9:00 am~
      b. Dinner: 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
    • Service hours for other facilities 
      a. The large communal bath 12:00 noon to 12:30 am
      5:30 am to 10:00 am
      b. Shop 8:00 am to 9:00 pm
      c. Lobby lounge 7:30 am to 10:30 pm
  2. When due to unavoidable circumstances, the business hours specified in the preceding Paragraph may be subject to change without notice. In such a case, the Guest shall be notified or informed of such change(s) by appropriate means.

Article 11
  1. Accommodation charges shall be paid with Japanese currency or by any means other than Japanese currency such as accommodation coupons or credit cards recognized by the Ryokan (such means shall be presented at the time of application by the Guest).
  2. Rates for children, including toddlers, shall be applied to all children in elementary school and younger. Children's rates are as follows:
    • (1) Child kaiseki dinner menu + bedding + yukata + breakfast ticket
      For children ages 10-12 yr, 20,000 JPY ~ 57,200 JPY * tax not incl / rate may vary by season, room type, menu, and other factors
    • (2) Child dinner menu + bedding + yukata + breakfast ticket
      For children ages 6-9 yr, 16,800 JPY ~ 46,200 JPY * tax not incl / rate may vary by season, room type, menu, and other factors
    • (3) Bedding + yukata + breakfast ticket
      For children ages 3-5 yr, 4,000 JPY * tax not incl / dinner not incl
    • NOTE: From June 1, 2022 reservations with children will be limited to 3 groups per day. From April 1, 2024 reservations with children will be limited to children of ages 10 or older.
  3. Accommodation charges shall be paid in full even if the Guest voluntarily does not utilize the available accommodation facilities provided for him/her by the Ryokan that are at his/her disposal. However, this shall not apply in cases of sudden illnesses or other unavoidable circumstances.

Article 12
  1. The Ryokan shall compensate the Guest for damage if the Ryokan has caused such damage to the Guest in the fulfillment or the nonfulfillment of the Accommodation Contract and/or related agreements. However, the same shall not apply in a case where such damage has been caused due to reasons for which the Ryokan is not liable.
  2. This Ryokan has received a Mark of Approval from the fire department. In addition, as an extra precaution in the case of unexpected fire, the Ryokan is covered by Ryokan Liability Insurance.

Article 13
  1. The Ryokan shall, when unable to provide contracted rooms, arrange accommodation of the same standard elsewhere for the Guest insofar as practicable with the consent of the Guest.
  2. When arrangement for other accommodation cannot be made, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Ryokan shall pay the Guest a compensation fee equivalent to the cancellation charges and the compensation fee shall be applied to the reparations. However, when the Ryokan cannot provide accommodation due to causes for which the Ryokan is not liable, the Ryokan shall not be liable to compensate the Guest.

Article 14
  1. The Ryokan shall compensate the Guest for damage when loss, breakage or other damage is caused to goods, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by the Guest, except in the case when this has occurred due to unavoidable causes. However, for cash and valuables, when the Ryokan has requested the Guest to present proof of the nature and value of the deposited items but the Guest has failed to do so, the Ryokan shall compensate the Guest up to a maximum amount of ¥100,000.
  2. The Ryokan shall compensate the Guest for damage when loss, breakage or other damage is caused through negligence on the part of the Ryokan, to goods, cash and valuables which are brought into the premises of the Ryokan by the Guest but are not deposited at the front desk. However, for cash and valuables, when the Ryokan has requested the Guest to present proof of the nature and value of the items brought into the premises of the Ryokan but the Guest has failed to do so, the Ryokan shall compensate the Guest up to a maximum amount of ¥100,000.

Article 15
  1. When the baggage of a Guest is brought into the Ryokan before his/her arrival, the Ryokan shall be liable to keep it until the arrival of the Guest. However, this shall apply only when such request has been accepted by the Ryokan in advance, and does not apply to dangerous goods, etc., whether they arrive in advance or are brought in by the Guest.
  2. When the baggage or belongings of a Guest are found to be left after his/her checkout, the Ryokan, as a basic rule, shall wait for contact from the owner to receive instructions on its handling. However, when no instruction is given to the Ryokan by the owner or when the ownership is not confirmed, the Ryokan shall keep the article for one month, including the day it was found, and after this period the Ryokan shall turn it over to the nearest police station.

Article 16
  1. The Ryokan shall not be liable for the vehicle of a Guest when the Guest utilizes the parking lot within the premises of the Ryokan, whether the key of the vehicle has been deposited with the Ryokan or not. However, the Ryokan shall compensate the Guest for damage caused through negligence on the part of the Ryokan in regard to the management of the parking lot.

Article 17
  1. The Guest shall compensate the Ryokan for the damage caused through intention or negligence on the part of the Guest.
  2. The Guest is expected to abide by the following rules in order to provide a comfortable environment for all Guests:
    • The Guest shall not cause discomfort/annoyance to other Guests due to intoxication;
    • The Guest shall adhere to general basic rules when using the communal bath to avoid discomfort/annoyance to other Guests;
    • The Guest shall refrain from loud yelling, causing excessive vibrations and making loud noises; and
    • The Guest shall not bring in outside food or drink from outside the premises, as a precaution against food poisoning.

* % is percentage of the reservation rate.
* The schedule also applies to customers not staying overnight such as lunch, dinner, etc. In that case, please substitute "guests" for "rooms".
* "No show" means when guest does not arrive and does not contact to cancel.

From the date cancellation was received: No show On the day The day before 2 days before 3 days before 5 days before 6 days before 7 days before 14 days before 15 days before 30 days before
Number of rooms included
in the reservation
1 ~ 2 rooms 100% 100% 70% 50% 50% 30% 30% 30% - -
3 ~ 5 rooms 100% 100% 70% 50% 50% 30% 30% 30% 25% - -
6 ~ 9 rooms 100% 100% 80% 50% 50% 30% 30% 30% 25% 25% -
10 ~ rooms 100% 100% 100% 50% 50% 30% 30% 30% 25% 25% 10%

*Scroll sideways to view.