Booking - Nishimuraya: Kinosaki Onsen

If you are a travel agent, please book directly via our standard booking calendars: Honkan or Shogetsutei. Please provide this information when booking. We will contact you to arrange payment of commission, etc. NOTE: some special discount plans may not be available for commission. We also accept reservations by e-mail, telephone and online chat feature of this web site.

Rate sheet is available for verified agents. Please contact us with your agent information.

Yes, for verified travel agents a commission is available. Pleae contact us for more details or book directly with us providing the requested information.

To make changes to an existing reservation please contact us.

To cancel a reservation booked through our web site booking page, please use the cancel link in the confirmation e-mail. To cancel a reservation made by any other means, please contact us.

Please provide this information when booking:
  • Guest Name
  • Travel agency name & contact information
  • Guests' exact arrival time to Kinosaki Onsen Station (for complimentary shuttle transfer)
  • Guests' gender (when booking by sites other than ours / information is needed to prepare their yukata).
  • Name of hotel guest will stay at before coming to Kinosaki Onsen.
  • Food allergy information for any guest (ex: gluten allergy, vegetarian, etc). Please provide specific details.
  • If booking form does not allow enough space for message email us.

Nishimuraya Honkan is available on the GDS via Relais & Chateaux. Please note that separate commission/policies may apply (see our GDS listing for details). Nishimuraya Hotel Shogetsutei is not available via GDS.
  • Amadeus (1A): WBTJHNHK
  • Sabre (AA): WB311804
  • Apollo/Galileo (UA): WBC9418
  • Worldspan (TW): WBTJHNH